A Therapeutic Doll

The beautiful, kind, and cuddly doll. Specifically designed for children who have a difficult time expressing their feelings.

Dr. Johnson with ALLMEE Doll Creators Ann Beckley-Forest and Annie Monaco

ALLMEE© is a specially designed therapeutic doll to provide these children a tool to identify and express their inner world. This resourceful doll’s head opens up to reveal little ALLMEE's© with different feelings of happy, sad, angry, scared, etc., which helps traumatized children tell their traumatic stories.

So often children with complex trauma and dissociation cannot express their internal world of jumbled feelings, associated thoughts, and perhaps a sense of “the other me's” that were developed to help manage their traumatic past.

This therapeutic doll also has a pocket in the “heart” area for the child to place one of the little ALLMEE's© in the pocket to signify the child’s current feeling.

The name ALLMEE© sends a special message to the child that all of these feelings, thoughts and a sense that “other me’s are all me” can be owned and explored to heal from his or her traumatic past.

ALLMEE Instructional Video

Frances Waters, author of Healing the Fractured Child, demonstrates ways to use the ALLMEE's©  therapy doll for diagnosis and treatment of children with dissociation. Fran says the goal is to help youth “express their internal world, what is going on inside of them.” Smaller dolls inside ALLMEE's© provide youth a unique way to recognize, own and give a voice to each of their dissociative parts, “working through those parts of the self to become a whole integrated child.”

Resources & Books: | | | |
Monaco, A. (2020) Understanding and responding to dissociation in children with play-based approaches. In Beckley-Forest,
A. & Monaco, A., Eds. EMDR with Children in the play therapy room: An integrated approach. pp 251-289. New York: Springer
Silberg, J. L. (2nd Ed., 2021). The child survivor: Healing developmental trauma and dissociation, New York: Routledge.
Waters, F. S. (2016). Healing the fractured child: Diagnosis and treatment of youth with dissociation. New York: Springer.